Kopp Verlag Ländershop Deutschland
Kopp Verlag Ländershop Österreich

5g and 6g Communication Technologies


Verlag: Arcler Press

Lieferstatus: Besorgungsartikel, lieferbar innerhalb von 6 Wochen

Artikelnummer: AA5FFE2F

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5g and 6g Communication Technologies

This book covers different topics from 5G and 6G mobile technologies, including: telecommunication, antenna and bandwidth aspects of 5G, business solutions enabled by 5G technology, different application scenarios of 5G, and topics from the 6G technology. Section 1 focuses on telecommunication, antenna and bandwidth aspects of 5G, describing mobile communication through 5G technology, a review in the core technologies of 5G: device-to-device communication, multi-access edge computing and network function virtualization, design of a multiband patch antenna for 5G communication systems, wideband reconfigurable millimeter-wave linear array antenna using liquid crystal for 5G networks, and FBMC vs OFDM waveform contenders for 5G wireless communication system. Section 2 focuses on business solutions enabled by 5G technology, describing the roles of 5G mobile broadband in the development of IoT, big data, cloud and SDN, planning and profit sharing in overlay Wi-Fi and LTE systems toward 5G networks, construction of enterprise 5G business ecosystem - case study of Huawei, and 5G new radio prototype implementation based on SDR. Section 3 focuses on different application scenarios of 5G, describing the prospect of 5G technology applied to distance medical education and clinical practice, research on the innovation path of logistics formats based on 5G technology, limiting energy consumption by decreasing packets retransmissions in 5G network, effective packet number for 5G IM WeChat application at early stage traffic classification, and software defined network (SDN) and OpenFlow protocol in 5G network. Section 4 focuses on topics from the 6G technology, describing the shift to 6G communications: vision and requirements, a semi-dynamic bidirectional clustering algorithm for downlink cell-free massive distributed antenna system, resource allocation for SWIPT systems with nonlinear energy harvesting model, and a resource allocation scheme with delay optimization considering mmWave wireless networks.


Verlag / Herausgeber: Arcler Press

EAN: 9781774691823

ISBN-10: 1774691825

Erscheinungstermin: 01.12.2021

Produktform: Hardcover

Seiten: 435 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch


Verlag: Arcler Press

Lieferstatus: Besorgungsartikel, lieferbar innerhalb von 6 Wochen

Artikelnummer: AA5FFE2F

  • Kauf auf Rechnung
  • Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Europas
  • 30 Tage Rückgaberecht
  • Kein Mindestbestellwert

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